Instructors use the TechConnect Zoom tool to schedule class meetings in your Canvas course. Students do not need a Zoom account ot join a class from Canvas.
To access your Canvas class meetings and recordings, navigate to your course:
- Select TechConnect Zoom (note, the college may have used a different name).
- Choose from Upcoming Meetings, Previous Meetings, or Cloud Recordings.
Upcoming Meetings
The class meetings schedule appears on the Upcoming Meetings tab.
- Click the Join button to enter the class.
- A join link may also appear on the Canvas Calendar if your college has enabled the setting. Select a date on the calendar, click the topic then the Click here to join Zoom Meeting link.
Previous Meetings
Prior class meeting details appear on the Previous Meetings tab. The meeting ID can be used to search for recordings (see below).
Cloud Recordings
Click the Cloud Recordings tab, then the Topic to view the class recording.
- Multiple file types may appear; i.e., a recording file, audio only file, etc.
- The instructor may set permissions to download a local copy of the recording.
- Use the Search button to search by Topic or ID (meeting).
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