When the Record button is selected during a live meeting, a recording file will be created. The type of recording file will depend on your account recording settings; you have two options:
- Computer recordings are those that were created and saved to the local computer used for the meeting. Computer recordings cannot be uploaded to the Zoom Cloud.
- Cloud recordings are stored in the Zoom cloud and are available from any device when signed into your Zoom account.
- When enabling both Computer and Cloud recording options you will be prompted to choose where to store the recording files when you start recording.
When a recording is in progress, the toolbar expands with options to:
- Pause a recording at any time.
- Resume recording restarts the recording to create one continuous recording file.
- Stop recording completes the recording file. If the recording is started again, separate files are created resulting in multiple recordings.
TechConnect Zoom Cloud storage is for short-term use; our storage capacity is shared across the CCC system. When selecting recording settings, please select only those that are needed as a file is created for every option, which impacts file storage. Please follow these best practices to manage your recording storage usage:
- Delete Cloud recordings when they are no longer needed.
- Download recordings to store in alternate storage locations, then delete the
recording from your account.
Managing and Sharing Cloud Recordings
Each recording has options for the host to share the recording with a link, download the files, and set permissions for downloading or viewing the recording.
The host can also view Recording Analytics, which provides number of views, how long the viewer watched the recording, and the number of downloads. More details on sharing and recording analytics are available in this Zoom article:
Note: More detailed information is available on recording settings and using recording features:
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