Webinar Recording
View the recording from our 10-08-21 presentation introducing 'CCC TechConnect | Reimagining your Video Content with PlayPosit'.
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Q: Where do students and faculty go for tech support while using PlayPosit?
A: Faculty can email support@ccctechconnect.org and students can email help@playposit.org.
Q: I thought PlayPosit didn't work with Canvas Studio videos?
A: Canvas Studio host access was recently included after PlayPosit collaborated with Canvas. So if your Canvas Admin chose to add it as an option, you should be able to access it from your interface.
Q: Do we (as instructors at a CCC) have access to PlayPosit? If so, how do we access it through our institution?
A: Please email us at support@ccctechconnect.org to find out if your college has integrated PlayPosit. You also can reach out to your DE Coordinator or Canvas Admin to find out. If your college does not have the integration, we recommend asking to have it made available to your college. The DE Coordinator or Canvas Admin can submit a ticket to support@ccctechconnect.org and we will contact them to work on getting that set up. If your college does have PlayPosit integrated, this article will explain how to access it in Canvas: https://ccctechconnect.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038364533-Entering-PlayPosit-in-Canvas
Q: I am trying to add PlayPosit to my available Apps in Canvas, but it is asking me for a "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret". Where can I get this information?
A: Please email us at support@ccctechconnect.org to find out if your college has integrated PlayPosit. If your college has integrated, the instructions on accessing PlayPosit in Canvas are found here: https://ccctechconnect.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038364533-Entering-PlayPosit-in-Canvas
Q: How do I create bulbs?
A: Here are our knowledge base articles for creating bulbs in Canvas: https://ccctechconnect.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/360007356074-Creating-Bulbs
Q: Can you clarify if we need to make an account with PlayPosit? If so, is it free? Also, could you explain what you said that some institutions already have PlayPosit into Canvas, while others don’t?
A: PlayPosit is a service offered by TechConnect at no cost and access is directly through a college's Canvas instance, if the college has chosen to integrate the service. Email us at suppport@ccctechconnect.org and we can check our list to see if your college has integrated.
Q: The link being posted periodically on the slides for the PlayPosit handout handout does not work. It is a broken link.
A: Here is the correct link: https://bit.ly/CCCPlayPosit101
Q: If you carry the bulbs forward through Course Copy or use it across multiple courses per semester, will students only see the discussions for their own classes? Will free-responses show only those for an individual class?
A: Correct, course copy will not bring forward any of the previous results generated from the prior semester.
Q: If I set questions in a bulb, can students respond in a video? (For instance, using American Sign Language.)
A: Yes, students can provide answers by recording through the rich text editor.
Q: If we have Panopto, can we use that already or is this extra charge?
A: If your college is already integrated and elected to have Panopto added as a video repository when they set it up, then it would be an option.
Q: Are you planning on automating adding Studio captions? Currently you have to download the captions and then upload them into PlayPosit?
A: Unfortunately, Canvas Studio will not allow third party access to enable that functionality.
Q: Can the user create his/her own video and if so, does PlayPosit eliminate the need for Screencast O Matic?
A: Users engaging with a bulb can provide their input via video or audio recording through the PlayPosit rich text editor on interactions that align with type of response. We are not familiar enough with Sreencast O Matic to know if that is sufficient to eliminate your need for it.
Q: Is there a maximum time for each play posit assignment?
A: Nope!
Q: Can you add Canvas Rubrics?
A: We cannot integrate with Canvas Rubrics; however, currently there are some different ways that you can create your own rubrics within Play Posit.
Q: I heard that we can link to YouTube videos from PlayPosit and create or edit our own captions. Is this true? (I'm referring to cases where I am not the owner of the YouTube video.)
A: If you are using YouTube videos that you do not own, you can access our caption editor and make any edits.
Q: Is there a way for students to respond to questions like graphing?
A: Possibly, contact Emily (her information is on the handout) and she will take a look at your specific use case.
Q: Can you show an example of Broadcast?
A: Please refer to the handout. There is a section that is completely dedicated to Broadcast. It even includes a webinar that Emily has done before on Broadcast.
Q: Can we update our bulbs with the new resources?
A: If you're referring to new features, then yes, you can see exactly how these features might impact some of your older bulbs.
Q: Can this work with Canvas Discussions or Pages?
A: Yes, you can link a bulb in Pages, and I believe Discussions also.
Q: Can I filter the library by how long each video is?
A: You cannot currently, although I appreciate that question and suggestion and we'll definitely bring that to our PlayPosit team.
Q: Can you design and "save" a template so that you can use the same template on all the bulbs?
A: My Interactions is a feature that allows instructors to access interactions from bulbs they have created before, or bulbs on which they are a collaborator. Instructors will then be able to insert those interactions into new bulbs without needing to create them from scratch.
We are also sampling a template designer as well. This is one of our newer features that is in beta currently but just know that that is on its way.
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