Are you ready to take your teaching to the next level with PlayPosit? Watch this in-depth webinar recording where we explored the three foundational ways to use PlayPosit that have a big impact on student engagement and retention. We explored how to create in-video questions and resources, as well as integrate peer learning opportunities. Attendees walked away with three strategies to boost their teaching practices and improve learning outcomes.
Webinar Recording:
View the recording from the January 23, 2025 presentation, 3 Ways to Boost Engagement with PlayPosit
Or, copy/paste this link into your browser:
Webinar Slide Deck:
A downloadable PDF slide deck from the January 23, 2025, presentation that introduced
3 Ways to Boost Engagement with PlayPosit. Is available at the bottom of this page.
Webinar Q&A:
Q: As a peer learning activity, can the instructor add a discussion at a certain point in a video?
A: Instructors can either add a discussion to the full video length while it continues playing, allowing students to contribute throughout the entire video, or have the video stop while students participate in the discussion. To add a discussion to the full length of the video while it continues playing, the instructor can click the ‘TIMING’ tab within the ‘Discussion’ window and enter a start & end time for the discussion. The instructor can also have the video stop while their students contribute to the discussion by adding an interaction at a specific time stamp.
Q: Does the number of attempts set on a Canvas assignment need to match the number of attempts given for each question in PlayPosit?
A: The instructor can set the number of attempts by interaction or for the bulb. If the instructor gives one attempt on the bulb and three or four attempts on a specific interaction, the student can engage with that question multiple times. Once the student hits ‘Submit’ for the bulb, they complete their attempt at the whole bulb. If the instructor has given the student multiple attempts on the bulb, the student can hit the ‘Retake’ button.
Q: Can the instructor import multiple choice questions from a publisher's test bank rather than typing all the questions?
A: PlayPosit does not have an import option.
Q: Does PlayPosit recognize foreign characters?
A: If you can type foreign language characters, including accent marks on your keyboard, PlayPosit will recognize the foreign characters.
Q: Can the instructor have their students match the correct definition to the word?
A: PlayPosit has a vocabulary matching interaction. You can set up a word bank, add your definitions below, and students can select their answers.
Q: Should your PlayPosit points match your Canvas assignment points?
A: You can opt to have your PlayPosit Points match or not match your Canvas assignment points. PlayPosit sends Canvas the percentage instead of the points, so the two platforms do not need to coincide.
Q: Does the system acknowledge student participation and give points for it on the fly, or when the video finishes playing?
A: PlayPosit will award points to students on-the-fly. However, PlayPosit will only send the total points to Canvas after the student submits the bulb.
Q: If the instructor creates video interactions within their course and shares the course on Canvas Commons, does this transfer over when imported?
A: When sharing PlayPosit videos, PlayPosit recommends using a different option than Canvas Commons. From your PlayPosit account, you can share your content, such as premade bulbs.
Q: What is the red circle to the left of the bulb?
A: The red circle allows the instructor to link a bulb to their assignment.
Q: Can instructors only add bulbs to assignments, or can they be integrated into ‘Discussions’?
A: Yes, bulbs can be integrated into the ‘Discussions’ in Canvas. However, instructors cannot integrate the ‘Canvas Gradebook’ with discussions. Instructors will need to use the ‘Assignments’ if they want grade synchronization to occur.
Q: Can instructors set groups for discussions in PlayPosit using the Groups Set in Canvas?
A: No, that feature is not available.
Q: Should you always access PlayPosit from Canvas, or can you use the website?
A: PlayPosit recommends instructors go through Canvas the first time they access the PlayPosit tool. This allows instructors to associate their PlayPosit account with TechConnect.
Q: How can my college make the PlayPosit tool available for instructors on Canvas?
A: Contact your Canvas admin to request installation.
Additional Resources:
PlayPosit Home Page
PlayPosit Customer Resources
PlayPosit YouTube page
How to Increase Engagement
Question Sets§ion_id=1373045
Peer Learning Bulb§ion_id=1368548
Use Case Library – Linear§ion_id=1348189
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