Webinar Recording:
View the recording from the January 22, 2025, presentation that introduced
Gear Up for 2025 Using Zoom Tools with AI Companion
You can also copy/paste this link: https://www.3cmediasolutions.org/node/21944
Webinar Slide Deck:
A downloadable PDF slide deck from the January 22, 2025, presentation that introduced
Gear Up for 2025 Using Zoom Tools with AI Companion is at the bottom of this page.
In this webinar recording, you will learn how the tools you may already be using have gotten even better with Zoom AI Companion - your on-demand personal assistant! Attendees learned how AI can enhance communications before, during, and after meetings.
When viewing the recording, you will discover the tools to create content, enhance communications, and capture conversations and project assignments are at your disposal…and you get to choose which tools to use and when you want to use them. Finally, you will learn more about AI Companion features in Team Chat, Meetings, Recordings, and using AI with Whiteboards, Clips, and Docs.
Q: Is it a general rule that instructors should allow students to view and save the meeting summary of a class?
A: The decision is at the instructor’s discretion.
Q: Where are my meeting summaries located?
A: The left navigation pane in the Zoom web portal has a 'Summaries' tab for accessing your meeting summaries. The meeting summary settings are under Settings > AI Companion > Meetings > Meeting summary with AI Companion.
Q: When can a participant request the host enable AI Companion? Does the meeting participant then need to request the host share the meeting summary at the end of the meeting?
A: The host elects to automatically share with anyone when they add when scheduling the meeting or the host can share the meeting summary with anyone via email after the meeting.
Q: How does the host turn on Zoom AI Companion in a meeting?
A: Our article, AI Companion Overview, provides instructions on enabling each AI Companion feature TechConnect Zoom offers.
Q: Is the Zoom AI Companion automatically turned on in live meetings?
A: The host can automatically start AI Companion features in the host's Zoom web portal when the meeting starts or elect to manually start the meeting summary at any time during the meeting using the host's in-meeting controls.
Q: Do I have to be the meeting host to enable both AI Companion and Meeting Summary with AI Companion?
A: The host and co-host are able to enable and disable AI Companion, including Meeting Summary with AI Companion for their meetings.
Q: Once AI Companion has been enabled in the web portal settings, will it be enabled for future meetings, or do you have to enable AI Companion for each meeting?
A: If AI Companion is enabled in your web portal settings, you will not need to enable it for each meeting.
Q: Is there a maximum size limit for adding files to Zoom Docs?
A: You can attach up to a total of 2GB of media or files in your Zoom Docs. Zoom Docs Limit Information.
Q: If students join a TechConnect Zoom meeting from Canvas, can they automatically be sent an email summary of the class?
A: When the host schedules through Canvas, students can view the Meeting Summary within the course. At the top of the page in the course is a Meeting Summary tab with the option to 'Publish' which makes the summary available for the students. If you no longer want them to have access, then you can unpublish the summary. If you do not see a Meeting Summary tab, please let us know, it may be a Canvas setting.
Q: Why is the Notes tab not available in some meetings (like this one)?
A: This is a webinar, not a standard meeting. AI Companion is only available in meetings.
Q: Can we move some of our studio video clips to AI Companion?
A: Only content that was created in Zoom resides in Zoom. You cannot upload files to Zoom.
Q: We have AI Companion enabled on our Zoom Workplace account. How do we know if we have access to the other Apps that are mentioned?
A: You will see tabs on top of the Zoom Workplace app for features such as Documents, Notes, Surveys, Clips, etc. If the Apps feature is enabled, you can click on the Apps tab to see which apps you are able to access. You can also look under the 'More' tab if you do not see a specific tab.
Q: It seems some colleges do not yet have access to AI Companion. Is this correct?
A: All 116 CCCs have access, but some districts have opted not to release it yet.
Q: Our Zoom AI Companion feature has been locked by our Zoom admin, does AI Companion have to be enabled to see and take advantage of Zoom’s AI features?
A: Yes, some districts have not yet unlocked the tool. Please reach out to your school's Zoom administrator, typically in the Information Services department, to request AI Companion.
Q: Are there any additional fees to the individual institutions if AI Companion is turned on?
A: The features presented here are available to districts at no additional cost.
Q: Do you recommend AI Companion for educational use? Has TechConnect or the California Community Colleges evaluated it for educational purposes?
A: This is an available tool, but no official policy has been nor will be released by TechConnect regarding its evaluation for educational use.
Q: Is Zoom AI Companion and all of its features available in other languages (e.g., if you’re teaching a foreign language)?
A: Yes, the AI Companion and AI Companion with Meeting Summary support over 30 languages, including Spanish, French, and Italian.
Q: Have you encountered any instances of hallucinations where the AI Companion generates incorrect information in the meeting summaries it produces?
A: The AI Companion generated meeting summaries are generally accurate, but there is a possibility they may not always be 100% correct. It is a good idea to review and edit them before sharing to ensure all details are accurate.
Q: Have you encountered any issues with the AI Companion speech recognition accurately understanding and generating the words you have spoken?
A: Sometimes AI Companion will have issues understanding the words that you say. You may want to go over your meeting summary before sharing it with users, especially if you are trying to use it as an official document. AI Companion is not always 100% accurate.
Q: Could you address the privacy considerations? Does AI Companion use my meetings, recordings, or data to inform its training? Additionally, does it store any of my data?
A: The answer can be found here: Meet Zoom AI Companion, your new AI assistant! Unlock the benefits with a paid Zoom account. Under 'Committed to responsible AI', Zoom writes,
'In line with our commitment to responsible AI, Zoom does not use any of your audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments, or other communications like customer content (such as poll results, whiteboard, and reactions) to train Zoom’s or third-party artificial intelligence models. For more information about how Zoom AI Companion handles your data, visit our support page'.
Q: What AI engine does Zoom use?
A: Zoom’s unique federated approach to AI is designed to deliver high-quality results by dynamically incorporating Zoom’s own large language model (LLM) in addition to Meta Llama 2, OpenAI, and Anthropic. With this approach, AI Companion can evolve and incorporate innovations in LLMs so you do not have to worry about which model to choose while getting the benefits of improved quality and performance.
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