Webinar Recording
View the recording from our 02-23-23 presentation introducing 'Repurpose, Reuse & Upcycle Video Content with TechConnect and PlayPosit!'.
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Q: How do we get the license for PlayPosit?
A: Email us at support@ccctechconnect.org.
Q: Can I set up a point deduction if students listen to the interactive view after the due date?
A: At this time this is not available because due date is controlled by Canvas. Learn more about manually adjusting scores to consider these past due date bulbs in our knowledgebase- https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/220-canvas#export-canvas.
Q: So, this is an overlay on a video? If so, does this mean that I can use any video to add questions, etc?
A: Yes, PlayPosit creates an overlay of interactive questions on top of a variety of video types including 3C Media videos, YouTube videos & Vimeo videos. Read more about video content options here: https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/213-building-a-bulb-in-playposit-3-0#insertavideo.
Q: If I want to make a bulb based on a portion of a video I already have, is that possible? If so, what would be the best way to do that?
A: Absolutely, you can do light trimming and cropping of video content in PlayPosit. Meaning you will be able to remove portions of the video that you do not want to include in the bulb. https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/213-building-a-bulb-in-playposit-3-0#trimcrop.
Q: Can you address accessibility issues (how this tool works with screen readers, etc.)?
A: PlayPosit has an entire knowledgebase article dedicated to PlayPosit’s accessibility functions. See here: https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/82-accessibility.
Q: How picky are fill-in-the-blank questions with case sensitivity and whitespace?
A: We recently had a platform update to our fill-in-the blank interaction. Check out the view of this interaction type in this article https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/213-building-a-bulb-in-playposit-3-0#interactiontypes.
Q: Can you see when students have completed the bulb?
A: You are able to download a CSV of additional data points. When this CSV is exported each students submission time and date will appear. Read more about the data export here: https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/210-monitoring-bulbs-in-playposit-3-0#learnerview.
Q: What happens with our classes and Playposit material if the Chancellor's Office stops funding PlayPosit?
A: If for some reason the PlayPosit & CCC Tech Connect partnership were to expire. You have the option to maintain your content by purchasing an individual PlayPosit Pro Account. However, this will not include the Canvas integration.
Q: If I've been using Panopto to create videos and have them embeded to a Canvas course, can I use those videos with Playposit?
A: Live answered, also, you can read more about the Panopto integration, here. https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/299-panopto-video
Q: Any plans to add Screencast-o-matic as an option?
A: At this time we do not have an integration with Screen-cast-o-matic.
Q: If the YouTube captions are auto captions, can you can modifications and those modified captions will be the ones that are seen by students?
A: You can see how to access the caption editor in PlayPosit here: https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/257-captions-playposit.
Q: Do instructors get Canvas or email notifications when students complete interactions and Bulbs?
A: Gradebook passback for the learner’s attempt will happen when they complete the Bulb. However, you can access your PlayPosit account and view the activity feed which logs a variety of notifications, including when a student completes a Bulb. Read more here: https://knowledge.playposit.com/article/295-activity-feed.
Q: Where would I find those instructional design office hours again?
A: You can find the office hours on the Partner Resource Page here https://go.playposit.com/playposit-partner-resources-brgkyj4fh23qwz3k.
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